Canon has registered a memory card reader with USB and Bluetooth capabilities

Because . . . not enough companies are making card readers these days. Haven't you folks noticed the shortage of card readers?
On the other hand, very few companies make interesting card readers, e.g. ones that can actually keep up with the cards they are meant for. You have like 3 options if you want a CFe 4.0 type B reader that isn't dumbed down by its 10gbit USB interface.
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On the other hand, very few companies make interesting card readers, e.g. ones that can actually keep up with the cards they are meant for. You have like 3 options if you want a CFe 4.0 type B reader that isn't dumbed down by its 10gbit USB interface.
I only need one (1) really good card reader. And I have to confess that neither do I want nor have I yet seen an interesting card reader. The BEST thing a card reader can be is boring. I just want it to do its job and leave me out of the conversation.
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On the other hand, very few companies make interesting card readers, e.g. ones that can actually keep up with the cards they are meant for. You have like 3 options if you want a CFe 4.0 type B reader that isn't dumbed down by its 10gbit USB interface.

Unless Canon have designed their own silicon for this (doubtful), they will just be using the same parts as others but in a different package with Canon's name on it and thus cost more.
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We've reached the point where it could be a combo SD Express/CF Express reader, running on USB 4.0 and packing Bluetooth, which is something that a lot of enthusiasts and pros would want for field usage. Despite the lack of SDE-equipped cameras and general hardware over the past several years, the controllers have now been available long enough for products (cameras, camcorders, and readers) to be developed and SDE can easily slide in and replace UHS SDXC cards in the ecosystem, while maintaining full backwards compatibility.
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