It's expected that Canon will officially announce the first RF mount Cinema EOS camera, the Cinema EOS C70. Some of its specifications have leaked, along with an exclusive first look at the unique camera design.

I have been told that the Canon Cinema EOS C50 may also make an appearance at Canon Vision next week in the form of a development announcement. The Cinema EOS C50 will be the entry-level Cinema EOS camera, it will sport an RF mount and it will have an “extremely small form-factor” I have been told.

The Cinema EOS C50 will sport the same sensor as the Cinema EOS C200, which is Super35.

I am told that the original plan was to announce the Cinema EOS C50 and Cinema EOS C70 at the same time, but that plan may have changed over the last couple of months.

Don't forget, we're also getting new RF mount adapters for Cinema EOS R cameras.

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