Butterflies, Moths and Assorted Insects...


"The equipment that matters, is you"
Canon Rumors Premium
Apr 30, 2017
Yesterday, we could not get closer than about 7m to this Peacock, which was very strongly backlit so the colours showed through the underside of the wings. Here, 800mm won out on the R5.

View attachment 216620
Your wife is definitely choosing better looking models :p!
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Desperately seeking birds
Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 16, 2012
Out this morning, my wife had the R7+RF100-400mm and got much better close-up shots of the tiny Holly Blue Butterfly than I could with R5+200-800mm as she could get much closer. It's the time of year for me to use the RF 100-500mm, or even our second RF100-400mm on walks.

View attachment 216618View attachment 216619
Went out with the 100-500mm yesterday and the closest I could get to this Small Heath butterfly, the only one I saw, was 3.3m - the mfd of the 200-800mm! Can't win.

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Desperately seeking birds
Canon Rumors Premium
Aug 16, 2012
I really like the 3rd picture of the first series. (Small Blue Butterfly) Well done, Alan.
All three photos show something different. The underwing colours are typical of this absolutely tiny butterfly, and the upper wings the different colours that are found. For the one you liked, I focus stacked 4 to get the whole wings sharp as well as the body hairs.
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