Beautiful bokeh! Let me see yours!

The Mine
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TWI by Dustin Abbott said:
Nice. That's one lens I haven't shot, although between the 85mm f/1.8, the 100L, and the 135L already in my bag, I probably won't be getting it. Still, I've heard nothing but good about it.

It is awesome. :) Sharp wide open, creamy bokeh, very good corrected and the autofocus is superfast! But if I had the 100L and 135L i wouldn't bother buying it neither. ::)
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the sigma 35mm @ f1.4.... 5D3
I sold my 35L (which I liked) and bought this lens

first shot:
daughter in-focus
the woman(mother) - on the left - in the background is a good example of a nice bokeh quality - to my eye...
the guy in right corner is pretty nice treatment too

of course the quality varies with differing back ground distance and foreground focus distance
and of course different busy shapes too.... the sigma is not tops...but pretty good IMO

this just seems to be an ideal combo for the sigma 35......

second shot:
different the stove-hood on left ...the lines start to get slightly busy.. the 85L would likely handle that differently
I believe...all this is pretty subjective...


lots of nice examples in this post
people here have really nice compositional ideas too...

I would say the 35 sigma and then - either - the 135L or 85L canon are a great pair..

the sigma is sharp wide open, has minimal distortion and chromatics,
is built solidly and focuses accurately and quickly .... it is a wonderful lens - IMO



  • mother and daughter.jpg
    mother and daughter.jpg
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  • grandson and mother.jpg
    grandson and mother.jpg
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