Two new Cinema EOS cameras coming in the first half of 2021 [CR2]

So an IP camera? Wow! A 8K (33MP) surveillance camera!!!!
Hi resolution surveillance cameras have been pushed for a while and there are very good reasons for them. First they can monitor wider areas and the footage can be zoomed in to any issues in a specific area in post and still have enough resolution to be worthwhile, second, where facial recognition or multi target acquisition/monitoring is going on the more resolution the more targets of interest you can monitor in one scene.

I'd expect the surveillance market to be the bulk purchasers of 8k and beyond resolution cameras as they have the need and functional uses for it.

This Canon video of a 120mp security camera dates back two years.

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Hi resolution surveillance cameras have been pushed for a while and there are very good reasons for them. First they can monitor wider areas and the footage can be zoomed in to any issues in a specific area in post and still have enough resolution to be worthwhile, second, where facial recognition or multi target acquisition/monitoring is going on the more resolution the more targets of interest you can monitor in one scene.

I'd expect the surveillance market to be the bulk purchasers of 8k and beyond resolution cameras as they have the need and functional uses for it.

This Canon video of a 120mp security camera dates back two years.

Unfortunately, it seems we need an extensive array inside and outside our government buildings here in the USA. Fortunately, the ignorant live stream their crimes real time to social media... because infamy is, apparently, more important than good sense to a large number of people. I’d have never believed that possible twenty years ago, and would have thought extensive mass surveillance was over reach. Was I ever wrong. Heartbroken. The world has gone mad. Rends my soul.
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Hi resolution surveillance cameras have been pushed for a while and there are very good reasons for them. First they can monitor wider areas and the footage can be zoomed in to any issues in a specific area in post and still have enough resolution to be worthwhile, second, where facial recognition or multi target acquisition/monitoring is going on the more resolution the more targets of interest you can monitor in one scene.

I'd expect the surveillance market to be the bulk purchasers of 8k and beyond resolution cameras as they have the need and functional uses for it.

This Canon video of a 120mp security camera dates back two years.

Storage space wll be insane! At least 8TB per day!
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Ugh I would love to use this camera as a cheaper, pre-Komodo style of camera with the RF mount but no 4:2:2 10-bit in 4k is killing it for me. I wonder if it's possible to just nail exposure perfectly every time for 8-bit video.
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Out of curiosity can you tell us why this camera in particular has caught your interest? Canon thinks they have spotted a niche and you seem to be it. I'm just not sure what it is.
This is most likely the replacement of the XC series, and also filling the gap of not making a new C100 at the same time. I personally don't think that the internal recording will be 8 bit, but, that's possible. MILC that is not limited in video shooting time is the real deal for me. I do not want to buy an old C200 for that either as the ergonomics are not in favor of what I shoot video wise, the XC models fit right in there. I also do not want to buy a 7,000$ camera if that's going to be the only option either (C70 or rumored C90) I shoot a lot of interviews that require a lot of B-roll, and there is basically zero set up time, site scouting and the like. I need small stuff that can just be set to record and also record audio also. (The XC15 was close to fitting that bill)
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What are you shooting? Are you planing on strapping it on and walking around? Stability would be a real problem even with IBIS.

Au contrare. When I use a TLR (or a Hasselblad 500), I put the strap around my neck and the camera sits roughly in the middle of my chest or a bit lower. It is rock steady and very easy to maneuver. Much steadier than a DSLR held up to my eye as it has a much more solid brace (my chest).

Great for crowd shots (and remember, you can be facing in a different direction than the camera is).

Adding IBIS would simply make it even better. It would eliminate the small motion from breathing, or the motion of the platform (boat, train, etc.)

In a crowd, one can hold it over your head inverted and get the shot (flippy/tilty screens are good for this these days, and can also be used to partially simulate the handling of the LTR - except that the body of camera isn't solid against your chest, negating that advantage).

Ergonomically it simply offers a number of benefits. And if you look up the SL3003, you'll see that Rollei covered all the bases, by providing not only a top down view but one of the back as well, so you could use it both in the mode I describe or as an SLR held to your eye and looking through the back.

Pretty impressive for a optical viewfinder.

And the camera hanging right in the middle of your chest, you can add a second strap around your back so it doesn't bounce when you're running. Photojournalists in unpleasant situations should take note of what their predecessors did to survive.
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Going with mirrorless lets them put the viewfinder and screen literally anywhere, doesn't it?

They could even build cameras designed to fit alien hands, which would let them go into a market S*ny has already gained a commanding position in.

It does indeed. How long before we see a set of Augmented Reality goggles which plug into the camera? Why should you have to look at the camera to know what is going on? Being heads up would bring a new level of safety to the photographer.

I'm surprised that someone hasn't taken the GoPro and mated it to a pair of AR goggles so you can know what you're capturing with your helmet cam, while still looking forward or around you.
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People used to do it all the time.
Film was even less forgiving.

I guess in 2021 I’d have to weigh worrying about exposure against my nascent love for the RF mount and box style camera. Could C-log 2 grade well off of 8-bit video? How limited is the ability to generate different moods from C50 footage? I guess I still can’t wait to see it get released!
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