Canon’s big announcements coming the third week of July

Macro lenses that externally extend are unfortunately a no-go underwater because you're using a flat port in front of the lens and you a) don't want to have to use a giant port with all that buoyant empty air space for extension, and b) you don't want that distance between lens and the end of the port changing much and screwing with the image optically.

The other quirk of shooting macro through flat ports underwater is that the flat port combined with the water has a magnification effect due to light travelling differently through the flat glass port vs the water, so with a 100mm lens the image your camera sees on the port looks more like it was taken at 125-130mm than 100mm. Just like when you're looking through a flat glass mask underwater and everything looks bigger than it is. Another reason why there is a demand for quality sub-100mm macro lenses in this field for certain types of subjects.
Very true but underwater seems to always be a compromise (besides staying alive and not losing your buddy). Having the right lens, juggling buoyancy and distance to subject, AF for subjects with no discernible eye, being close enough to fill the frame but not to spook the subject, managing surge and particulate are a pain and of course the challenge :)
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Yeah I side with OP on this one. Unless the marketing site is quoting a specific standard like IP 67 or whatever I take it all with a pretty big grain of salt. Product and marketing teams do not always stay perfectly in synch in large companies. Case in point the 8K issues at launch with the R5
A graphic from the Canon Global website showing the extensive R3 weather sealing. It's weather resistant. Canon never claims that it's waterproof. I don't think Sony or Nikon make that claim either.

Click on graphic to view.


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What do you think about a merger?
Neither Canon or Nikon are for sale?!


Technically that is NOT true! Apple has been looking at an outright purchase of Canon for some time now as Canon has the fifth largest portfolio of held patents in the world after Samsung, Qualcomm, TSMC and IBM. Apple wants Canon's imaging patents AND its microcircuit quality assurance and fabrication technology. Tim Cook and the Apple board was taking a looooooong look at Canon as recently as February 2023 but now Apple is looking for CPU and Memory manufacturing capability so Texas Instruments is on their radar and Apple is also looking at buying ALL of Sigma for its vertically stacked RGB photosite Foveon image sensor technology, small form factor camera body manufacturing and their lens-making expertise.

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Neither Canon or Nikon are for sale?!


Technically that is NOT true! Apple has been looking at an outright purchase of Canon for some time now as Canon has the fifth largest portfolio of held patents in the world after Samsung, Qualcomm, TSMC and IBM. Apple wants Canon's imaging patents AND its microcircuit quality assurance and fabrication technology.
Source? Canon's largest business is Printing. I doubt that Apple wants to be in the printing business.
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Sure, but wasn't the earlier comment about Apple and Canon. I don't know enough to guess if it could happen. I have to imagine IF it happened it would be good for people who like both companies' products.
There is no way. Regulatory and cultural factors aside, I don’t see complimentary businesses. Apple does not need litho machines at the node canon makes. Apple does not need an optics business. If Apple wanting a printing business they’d white label. They could build their own camera by sourcing parts—look at the Vision Pro! Apple branded copiers?? Apple branded CT scanners?! And Canon is way way too big to buy for a patent portfolio.

Harry was being funny because that’s what he does but no friggin way.
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Apparently the person you talked to doesn't know what they are talking about.

"Dust and drip resistance equal to the EOS-1D X Series: The EOS R3 camera is designed for use in a variety of weather conditions. Sealing materials are used in critical areas like the buttons, dials, levers, terminal covers, battery compartment and the card slot cover. Precise design and construction help to minimize accidental penetration of dust and moisture in the rest of the camera body.

- Canon USA website

But, of course, the Canon USA website must be part of a conspiracy to cover up the truth. - LOL
Perhaps the technician who works at the CPS is an idiot and has never opened an EOSMKIII as well as an R3 to confirm this difference.
Keep believing what the communication departments say and everything will be fine, because they've probably already repaired this type of camera before launching their advertising campaign. LOL to you too!!!
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I went thru a bit more gear :geek:
My experience is generally positive, but to be precise:
  • My first DSLR (Rebel 350D) had a shutter failure and it needed replacement
  • The 1D X had a recall - no cost for me and a free sensor clean, but I was camera-less for 4 days
  • The R5 and RF 24-240 were involved in a skiing accident (my fault) and repaired by Canon in a few days (my broken rib took much longer :cry: )
  • My R5 suffered the occasional lockups, sometimes turning on and off would fix it, sometimes removing the batteries was required. I am an hobbyist so no financial risk for me, but it was annoying. The latest firmware seems to have finally fixed the issue (whatever it was)
  • My other cameras (20D, 5D, 5D mkII) never had any issues
  • All of my Canon (and some Sigma in the past) EF/RF lenses never had any issues

Same here, don’t know how you can get an R5 to freeze every 5 batteries. It freezes from time to time, my 5D MK IV only did 3-4 times, yes - but I would say maybe 30.000 frames in between at least at my end here, working pro in people, fashion, portrait.

Got a similar exp and starting point as you:
  • 20D, 5D MK II, 5D MK IV, no issues (5D MK IV in over 400.000 exposures, produced 3-4 errors)
  • All lenses, Canon or Sigma/Tamron never had any issues
  • R5 produced some more errors, but never not solvable within seconds
  • Even my 2000D which I use modified for Astrophotography produced no errors
It surely depends on the settings, I customized it only a bit, as I like to be able to switch to rented gear on standard settings within seconds without thinking.
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Perhaps the technician who works at the CPS is an idiot and has never opened an EOSMKIII as well as an R3 to confirm this difference.
Keep believing what the communication departments say and everything will be fine, because they've probably already repaired this type of camera before launching their advertising campaign. LOL to you too!!!
You're still here? Thought you already switched to Nikon. There's a corresponding rumors complaints forum for them.

Objectively, the 1D X III has slightly better sealing than the R3 based on Canon's diagrams, since there is green (indicating tight joins in manufacturing vs. actual sealing material) in the sealing diagram for R3 and not for the 1D X III. Practically, there's probably very little difference since there is variability (within tolerable limits) in any manufacturing process, so some cameras will be slightly better than others and the R3 in one person's hands may be slightly better sealed than the 1D X III in someone else's hands.

More importantly, water exposure is inherently variable unless one is actually submerging the camera at a fixed depth – rain/splash droplet size, force, direction, salt vs. fresh, etc., will all affect potential ingress. That's why the precautions for both the 1D X III and the R3 have the same language concerning water exposure:
This camera is designed to be dust- and drip- resistant, in order to help prevent sand, dust, dirt, or water that falls on it unexpectedly from getting inside, but it is impossible to prevent dirt, dust, water, or salt from getting inside at all. As far as possible, do not allow dirt, dust, water, or salt to get on the camera.
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Same here, don’t know how you can get an R5 to freeze every 5 batteries.
Were you replying to someone else? I did not say that
It freezes from time to time, my 5D MK IV only did 3-4 times, yes - but I would say maybe 30.000 frames in between at least at my end here, working pro in people, fashion, portrait.

Got a similar exp and starting point as you:
  • 20D, 5D MK II, 5D MK IV, no issues (5D MK IV in over 400.000 exposures, produced 3-4 errors)
  • All lenses, Canon or Sigma/Tamron never had any issues
  • R5 produced some more errors, but never not solvable within seconds
  • Even my 2000D which I use modified for Astrophotography produced no errors
Now that I think about it, the 5D (classic) locked up on me once. It was my only camera and I was on my first safari so I had a mild panic attack :eek: - then I came to my senses and remove the batteries and that fixed it. So many great memories with that camera! My first FF :love:
It surely depends on the settings, I customized it only a bit, as I like to be able to switch to rented gear on standard settings within seconds without thinking.
To be honest, it's not like I customize much: I set how I want the 2 memory card to operate, change something for AF and customize the control ring (then promptly forget about it, never to be used). I am mostly a stills shooter so I do not touch the video settings. That's about it
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The R3 is sealed and gasketed but does suffer from one major flaw which only came to light after release to working press photographers.

In heavy rain and humid conditions when the camera is constantly up to the eye, the viewfinder can suffer from internal condensation and misting due to the heat generated by the EVF electronics.

This was one of the major problems fed back to Canon and rectified in the R1.
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Getting back to the timing of announcements....the current R5 is on promotion in the UK (currently £3149.99 reduced £650 from £3799.99). Interestingly, that promotion ends July 3. I am thinking of getting a second R5 body, but am wondering what will happen to the price (a) after July 3 and (b) after the announcement of the R5 II?

If the rumours are at all accurate, I suspect that the R5 II 'new features' are of limited value to me, so 'just' an R5 is the better value (for my use case)
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Assuming it is indeed opened for preorders in the third week of July you should be able to get it by September if you jump in early. I'm in the same boat, as I leave for a long overseas trip starting the third week of September stretching through January.

Given history, so long as you're in the initial batch I think it's doable. If it's just a dev announcement that would be incredibly disappointing. We'll see.
somehow I am thinking if so I might just spend the extra and get the heavily discounted R3, R5 II with a battery grip should not be much cheaper anyway
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I have spoken to a photographer who has used the R1. Yes 24MP. Yes the AF is better. Some AI thing where you photograph someones face, then you can set it to track and follow that persons face only...they described it as a bit of a gimmick. But the camera is basically just an R3 mkii. Not what they had hoped it would be. They said if they were spending their own money, they wouldn't even bother upgrading from the R3!
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I have spoken to a photographer who has used the R1. Yes 24MP. Yes the AF is better. Some AI thing where you photograph someones face, then you can set it to track and follow that persons face only...they described it as a bit of a gimmick. But the camera is basically just an R3 mkii. Not what they had hoped it would be. They said if they were spending their own money, they wouldn't even bother upgrading from the R3!
No offence meant, but I'll rather wait for infos from a reliable wellknown source.
"a photographer" is no reliable source for me...:)
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No offence meant, but I'll rather wait for infos from a reliable wellknown source.
"a photographer" is no reliable source for me...:)
Well you won't believe me....but my source is very well known and works for Getty.... who by the way will all be forced to be using the R1 at the Olympics, even if they are Nikon or Sony shooters. There are a fair few pretty unimpressed snappers after using it.
After all these years that Canon have had to match, and maybe even get in front of Sony and Nikon...and it's basically just an R3 with a bit faster focussing? Still only 24MP?
You will all be pretty disappointed when its finally announced I think.
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